Whether on a personal or professional level, individual coaching is done in about ten sessions, depending on the subject. After discussion and several exchanges, an objective is set to ensure its success.
I offer you a first free discovery session by phone of about 15 minutes in order to answer all your questions about the coaching, my method, your situation and to discuss the subject you would like to deal with.
- Personal and Professional Master Coach Certificate
- Certificate of Master Practitioner in Ericksonian Hypnosis, NLP and Transactional Analysis
- Certified Jobcoach in Profesional Intergration

Here are some themes of a personal coaching :
- Lift your blockages
- Recognize how you react
- Put an end to the on-going negative experiences
- Restore your self-confidence and self-esteem
- Listen, recognize and better handle your emotions
- Manage a pre/post burn-out
- Reach your full potential
- Dare live the life that inspires you
- Free yourself from toxic relationships
- Review your priorities in life
- Put your constraints and aspirations into perspective
- Know what you really want
- Change jobs
- Stop running without knowing why
- Better communicate
- Learn how to say no and how to dare
- Manage physical or psychological harassment at work or at home
- Recover your “mojo”, your motivation
- How to cross a milestone
- Hypnotherapy to stop smoking, lose weight, insomnia, past lives, etc.
- Etc.
How to deal with moral/psychological or physical harassment in your private or professional life? Mobbing at work? Hurtful, contemptuous and devaluing words? Displaced gestures? An attack on your physical and moral integrity?
It is essential to learn how to manage this so that you are no longer the target of such behavior.
You feel like you can’t handle anything? Brooding all the time? Saying the wrong things at the wrong time and in the wrong way? Breaking down in public? Getting angry and not being able to control yourself? Always being on edge? Of not being able to take a step back?
Knowing how your emotions work, how to channel them and how to use them wisely will be very useful.
You feel that you are not on the right path? That something is missing? That you are not doing well? That there is more but you don’t know what and how to get there? You want to learn to grow, to evolve, to improve yourself?
Learning to know yourself better in order to better understand your life and to fully realize yourself will be extremely enriching for you.
Are you physically and morally exhausted? At the edge of the cliff? Are you so overwhelmed that you can no longer think objectively? Nothing makes sense anymore?
And you no longer know why you do what you do?
Beware: a burn-out is the body and the mind giving up, and it’s a sick leave as consequence. Very often, it is a real trauma, and there is a loss of self-confidence that follows.
So before it happens, come and talk about it to defuse things. And for those who have done a burn-out, it will be a matter of learning how to rebuild themselves.
Is your current job no longer interesting to you? You have done your part? You are no longer in phase with the values of the working world? Have you had experiences that have opened your eyes? You have a dream, a project in mind but don’t know how to make it come true? You would like to do something else but don’t know what?
Discovering what really suits you will be a very rewarding process. Just imagine: feeling like you belong! What happiness!
Do you have colleagues who pollute you? People who drag you down? Do you find it more and more difficult to put up with the “whiners”, the negative people? Do you let people walk all over you? Your kindness is abused? You give everything and receive nothing in return? Too much ego in general?
Learning to communicate better with others, in a respectful way, while asserting yourself without aggression will open the doors to better and more harmonious relationships.

Are you a small/medium size company that does not wish to hire an in-house HR? You do, however, need someone who can take care of all aspects of your Human Resources?
- HRSE Personnel Management Assistant Certificate
- Payroll Administrator Certificate
Here are the services I can offer you:
- Complete recruitment process (research, interviews, selections, creation of job profiles, employment contracts, etc.).
- Analysis and creation of a salary & bonus policy
- Analysis and creation of a policy of annual assessments and competency grids
- Creation of Staff Rules
- Implementation of a prevention procedure against accidents in the workplace, physical and moral harassment of employees
- Mediation and Conflict Management
- Implementation and management of absences and vacations
- Personnel Management
- Payroll Management
- Social charges and insurances Management
- Management of sickness/accident declarations to insurance companies
- Etc.

Whether you are a family, a group of friends, colleagues or strangers, it is sometimes useful and very interesting to get together to share and exchange experiences and ideas in order to come out enriched with other solutions and possibilities. A single session is usually sufficient.